Registered Taxable persons are required to amend any information related to tax record kept with FTA if there is a change, which includes:
- Name, address and email address
- Trade license activities
- Legal entity type, partnership agreement for unincorporated partnerships and articles of association or its equivalent.
- Nature of the business of the registrant.
- The address from which any business is conducted by the registrant
Failure to amend these details within 20 business days is a tax violation and is subject to administrative penalties.
To encourage registrants to update the information in their tax records held by the FTA, administrative penalties will not be levied when registrants update such information during the grace period starting from 1 January 2024 until 31 March 2025.
If an administrative penalty was already imposed during the period from 1 January 2024 until the implementation date of the grace period for failing to update the information in their tax records held by the FTA, such penalty shall be refunded.
Registrants are not required to contact the FTA to obtain a refund of the administrative penalty, as this will be done automatically.
The initiative allows violators to make the necessary adjustments and avoid incurring the administrative penalties associated with failure to inform the FTA of any cases that require modifying their tax records.
All Business are encouraged to use the benefits of the scheme which will enable them to rectify any non-compliance of the previous period without incurring any administrative penalty.